
just an update

let's see. it's thursday afternoon and i'm blogging because i won't be here monday. (like i've been really consistent posting every monday for the last month anyway! ha!...maybe that will be my new year's resolution...wait...i hate new year's resolutions...so ....well anyway...)

i'm leaving around six tonight and traveling to the mountains with some other singles and we are having our first annual women's retreat. kind of sounds like a john eldridge man thing now that i write it!

but there's two really neat girls here from virginia. one's the student minister on campus at richmond va and the other is the worship leader. so they've agreed to lead us in some spiritual renewal talks and just some great fellowship time. i'm really excited about the trip. i was actually going to be our driver but the mozley's decided we needed a ghanaian driver. which is probably better considering we have to climb a nice size mountain in the dark!

this week has been great. i've started listening to a new podcast from the Village church out of texas. matt chandler is the preacher and he's really great. i started reading ecclesiastes and told my friend pat. he is listening to this matt guy and said that the church just did a 16 week study on ecc. so here i am listening to it cause pat told me about it! i have learned lots these past six months about different seasons of life and how without God as our motivator and reason we 'do' things then it really everything is worthless under the sun. matt, like i'm on first name basis with him!, really walks through each verse and compares what Solomon is allowing himself to experience and relates it to things we do as humans now. it's amazing how cliche this will sound...but it's undescribably amazing being in a study. i'm really praying about some sort of weekly small group bible study time as i've noticed that i am not vigorous and deeping as much as i would like to be therefore i tend to get more self focused easier...does that make sense?

as for this week and this season of my life i'm starting to get busy with projects. it's nice honestly. i have several documentaries i'm working on and i get home saturday from the women's retreat to leave sunday for kumasi to work with a methodist ghanaian pastor up there.

did i mention i've gotten to webcam with pat, sarah and lyle...also with my mom and sister this week...it's been fun! my parents just upgraded their camper and they took me on a tour of it...as well as sarah and pat showed me their whole house with wireless...technology is an amazing gift!

the sims are leaving for furlough next tuesday so i'll get home just in time to see them off around 6:30pm. they have lots of logisitics to work out and will be VERY busy the first 1 and 1/2 when they return back to the states...so lift them up to Daddy to care of them please :)

i guess that sums up this weeks thoughts thus far!

1 comment:

TONYA said...

Hey let me know how that Women's retreat thing went sounds interesting! Ha HA! I wish I'd blog more...This is great I get to read the interworkings of the mind of Margaret "the interpretative Dance Queen" of which I'm sure to be very interesting...to bad you can't accompany yourself on the Djembe (African drum)!?!