

i just learned last week that the term 'happies' is a southern thing. i have a friend who said she had never heard a little present given to someone called a 'happy.' I'm sad that my camera is broken because I would take a picture of how many happies I'm packing! I'm leaving TONIGHT for America and I have two suitcases full of happies!!!!

Seriously....I might have to pay customs because I look like a container of african goods!

I would like to share my proudest gifts though that I'm bringing for my family to enjoy!

I am taking some maggie cubes (ghana's version of bullion) for my mother since she's a FABULOUS cook, some Shito (no that's not a bad word here...it's hot sauce), Milo (like hot chocolate...made in Ghana of course) and some Laughing Cow cheese (our version of cream cheese....that's right no refrigeration required :)

I am very excited to see family and friends tomorrow in Memphis!!!!!!!! Sad news...I'm leaving Ghana in the COOLEST month of the whole year to go to Mississippi where it's in the upper 90's and humid! Ugh.

Alright so hopefully next blog will be posted state side!!!!! wooooohoooooo

love to all


Ryan Kennedy said...

I'm from the south and I've definitely never heard of 'happies', we just call them presents, or gifts, but I doubt that's from Georgia I think It's just English.

Though i love you for calling them that, so mississippi.

Anonymous said...

You make me happy.
Have fun in the HEAT. Sucker.