
leaving today

I'm sitting in Marley's house for the last time as a "roomate," and I know Daddy is here. So far the past two years in preparation to being a foriegn missionary have been a great journey with many ups and downs. I'm sure by moving to Ghana those ups and downs will remain and there will be great experiences, relationships and opportunities. I have to say this morning and last night went very smoothly with packing and I know God's prayer warriors for this mission are being faithful. I'm not nervous one bit...well yet..of course we're not at the airport! My back is hurting a little from packing but besides that I'm good to go. I read my Utmost for His Highest this morning and it was talking about living outside of ourselves. I'm praying that today.

I told someone the other day that I know the timeline of leaving is God's. It's taken two years to get to today and I'm ready.

It has been an exciting and exhausting three weeks. I am very appreciate of the going away parties and gifts everyone has given. I have gotten to hear some of my friends pray outloud, something very much out of their comfort zone. I've gotten to read letters from people who feel God might be calling them overseas. I've gotten to love and be loved on on a way that echo's Gods amazing love for us. It reminds me that God's plan for this mission has way more to do than with just me. . I leave Memphis at 7:25 tonight, get to Amsterdam at 11:15a their time and Accra at 6:35p on Saturday, their time. I'll write when I can. Thanks and keep praying I can already feel the prayers.

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