
August 20th update

What a great week. It's exciting to write that as much as it is for those to read it who have been praying for this mission! You ask...ok Margaret, "What was so GREAT about this past week?" For starters, I finished reading a great book that the friends who sent the birthday package included. God is Closer than You Think. Throughout this week God spoke to me through that book, the Pslams and through a new movie I watched, Shadowlands about CS Lewis' life during the time he met, married and fell in love with his wife. During the time his wife is terminally sick someone asks, "Have you been praying to God?" Lewis says, "yes I pray all the time, I can't stop it it flows out....it's not changing God, He's changing me." And through his wife's sickness and death (sorry I just spoiled the movie for those who haven't seen it) he starts to realize how much suffering causes us to love deeper and to grow in faith. So along with that movie and reading Ortberg's book, which quotes Lewis frequently, God really is working on my heart to have a heart of worship no matter the situation. And that is GREAT news.

Also, we went to Madina West. (the church that I've been struggling going to) There was a sweet spirit in that church this morning. It could have had to do a little bit with the fact that I got to experience a Ghanian tradition of marriage. The formal wedding was yesterday, but today was the vows before the church. Everyone was clapping and dancing as they said their vows and when it came time for the kiss, the groom politely kissed the bride on the cheek to which the preacher responded, "You didn't do it right." That sent the congregation into hoops and hollers. I still didn't understand but a couple words the preachers said, but God helped my heart be in the right shape this morning. One of the things Ortberg talks about in his book is how human creation is over all other creation. Including mountains, waters, sky the Grand Canyon...those HUGE creations that we marvel at, but yet we don't fall down in awe over each human. So I tried to remember that this morning and realized how thankful I am today that God is transforming my heart to look at these people with love. Wanting to know more and understand this culture more.

Another reason has to be that Nicole and I walked throughout the week. We had one day were we ventured off into an area that is very "typical" Africa. That meaning, run down shack housing with many people living out of one. No indoor plumbing, a bore head to get water. However I couldn't really tell you anything about the people because I don't know them. They were very polite and smiled at two white girls, who weren't really lost, just taken the off beaten path. You know it also makes you feel good when you pass by the stand you've been going to frequently and they wave real big and smile.

Another great part of this week was the fellowship. Tuesday night a group of five girls, including me, went out to dinner and started getting to know each other. You're thinking...out to dinner...hard life! Yes, there are restaurants here in Accra. Remember I live in a very busy, industrialized part of Ghana. It's not how a lot of people "picture" Africa. But we went to dinner and it's neat to see how God has put us in community to support and challenge each other...maybe even some accountablity partners immerging :)

To top it off yesterday was an adventure. I looked in the Bradt guide to find somewhere for an outing so we could see the countryside of Ghana. Well it worked. I'm going to upload a picture that we took as we were going up the mountain and were stopped when a bulldozer was shoveling rocks on the side of the mountain. The rocks were actually the road. And if we wanted to continue where we were heading then the 15 seat van was going to have to go over the rock hill. Keep in mind on the right side was a drop off....we were on a mountain. So one of the Ghanain guys tells Kirk, "you must use FORCE or you won't make it.." that being said Kirk revved the engine, put it in second and off we went. We dented in the bumper when we hit the slope, threw some rocks but Kirk kept in under control and we didn't roll off the mountain. I was holding a two year old in my lap, so I didn't get very many good pictures...(yeah kids don't have to ride in car seats here...it's kind of nice) So that trip was fun. We went to Aburi and checked out the botanical gardens there. It's about an hour north of where I live.

I know this is getting long, but also I went into the outskirts of the market all by myself Friday! I know, small celebration...but hey I was pumped. I have met a lady named Joyce who sells fabric for 20,000 cedis a yard. That's roughly $2usd. She's really nice so if you ever come visit and need some cloth....I know one place we can go :)

Also, I sat with Gifty and Nicole today and we talked about the possiblity of helping to start a children's bible club. It's in the prayer and talking phase right now. We want it to be Ghanain lead and owned by the people here, so be in prayer that we listen to what God wants us to do. Especially for Nicole and I as we don't want to make it an oboruni, Americanized club, but we also want to challenge the thought processes of the way to strategically help children here understand and apply Jesus' love.

And I called the women who has an orphanage not too far from here. She was out of town and is supposed to call me back...so we'll see!

love to all...thanks so much for the e-mails, the packages, the prayers...everything. I miss family and friends, but I'm SO thankful for internet!

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