
august 9th.

It’s mid-week now…so I’m three days behind schedule on updating my blog! Oops J It’s neat as I sit down to type about last week, it’s almost hard to remember what happened. A week ago Sunday we went to Medina West, the church right down from where I live, and it was RAINING so there weren’t many people there that morning. It was the typical three-hour service with hymns from British influence, thoust saist the truth, knowenst that Thy lovest thee…I mean is that understandable? Sorry I need to be incarnational…but I just don’t think they even like it. I could be wrong. But when African style music is played the place comes ALIVE.

The good thing is that I’m constantly aware that worship isn’t about us, and I’ve been really praying God will teach me how to worship Him always. No matter the circumstances. And I know people have been praying with and for me. How do I know that? Well I believe one of the “desires of my heart” was given to me this past Sunday. I went to a service at a place called Asbury Dunwell and it was GREAT. Nice people, engaged in worship, smiling and friendly. It’s amazing how the worship of others is affecting my worship? I’m not sure it’s supposed to be like that? But that’s just being honest. It was a treat though and I was so thankful to be in and around people who truly wanted to be there and we ended up having a good time. I know church can be fun. It helps you through times of suffering to be connected to people who want to grow. But then I start to think, maybe that’s one of the reasons I’m here. Like Joel’s comment said, God will “mold” us and shape us in ways that we don’t necessarily enjoy, but the trial does strengthen us. I have been blessed since I started really living my life for Jesus to be surrounded by people who are looking for a deeper experience than just going somewhere because that’s where there parents went or it’s just what you do. So I think God’s stretching me to be able to understand what it means to worship Him everywhere no matter the circumstance. I am reading the Psalms and boy can I connect to what David is lamenting and rejoicing about! So that was last Sunday and this Sunday.

Now for in between…let’s see it rained and rained and rained and rained pretty much all of last week. So here’s the recap I’m sick again and stayed in bed all day Monday, the mold on the furniture GREW exponentially this week (because of the rain) even after I bleached it twice and I’m still not in my apartment. Tuesday was fun as Tatum and I spent the whole day running around in the car to check out what we needed to do about visas! (we got some good laugh time in…such a blessing she’s here…and no Tatum if you’re reading this I’m not just nice things because you said nice things about me on your blog…well ok…maybe just a little J just kidding) We had a new family, the Jackson’s, get here Thursday night. Can’t remember Wednesday? Eli turned two Saturday and we hosted everyone at our house for chili and a little fufu for Eli. He has lived half his life in Ghana, so he REALLY enjoys Ghanaian food! It’s cute. (By the way it was very cool here Friday/Saturday it felt like football season in the States…I mean it’s not 50 degrees or anything but it’s been pretty cool…nice compared to the 110 heat in Mississippi…hey my heats coming. September starts the dry season!) Then Sunday and Monday I was at the Jackson’s helping them move in and get settled! By the way…the group who sent my birthday box included a “stick the tail on the donkey” game, which I didn’t open my presents until late on my birthday, so everyone was gone. However, we used it for the kids at Eli’s party…it went over GREAT! So thanks again Sarah and the gang. Side note…Sarah has sent a couple packages and they seem to get here pretty fast, so if you have mailing questions…I would ask her about it…J

I taped Eli’s birthday all day Saturday and went to start editing yesterday and realized that my computer needed 16 software updates. The camera wasn’t registering with iMovie and something is messing up with the time code in Final Cut Pro…so if you want to pray for technological stuff (and the user) that would ROCK! Oh this technically goes into next week’s blog, but when the Jackson’s got here they got their dog, Ziker, who was living here until they arrived. SO, we got a puppy yesterday. He’s a cute Ghanaian mutt! I’ve been trying to upload pictures on the blog…but there just not wanting to go through L so I’ll keep trying. I want to show you guys what fufu looks like! Everything is well in Ghana…love to all

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