
nov. 2- mid week

ok- you know you live in another country when you realize a "traditional" holiday has passed and you didn't even realize it. Halloween was two days ago and I totally forgot until I talked to my nephew tonight and realized he was Noah's ghost. Yes, he had a Noah costume and then apparently decided he wanted to be a ghost. So, therefore the only reasonable thing to do....become Noah's ghost.

So- this week has been good. I love God's unfailing love and faithfulness. Actually for the past week and a half I was not in the Word and kind of in a funk. Then Tuesday morning I got a call from AIS, the new school that Tatum and Steph and Jimmy teach at, and they wanted me to lead devotional. Now I knew I needed to get some God time in even before that phone call, but it's neat how God gave me something to help get me back on track. There's nothing better for me than to have to speak somewhere to be totally immersed in the Word. I spend time in prayer, comb through the Word over and over and try to realize and hear God's leading. And I was doing that all day Tuesday, then I can't remember what I read and boy it convicited me even more. It talked about giving God the glory. Why do you want to do good. For you or for Him. Yikes!!!! So then I take another step back and cry and realize I'm yet again thankful for His unfailing love and faithfulness. The topic for devotion was about the fruit of the Spirit Faithfulness. There were two groups. The older students 6-11 grade and then the younger ones k-5. I love the Spirit's gift of faithfulness. How He gives us what we need to believe in Him more and the trust it allows us to have that He is in total control and we don't have to lean on our own understanding. I know that's one of the major lesson's God is teaching me in this season of my life. I'm goal oriented, which i think with balance is biblical, but I'm learning it's not healthy to get so upset and anxious about wanting to do something good and useful. I have to lean on God to know that I'm wanting to do everything I can and it's at His pace, not mine. I know we talk about this all the time and I've talked about it...but seriously I feel sometimes like I'm not doing enough, scared that i will look back and think "did I do everything I was supposed to in Ghana." And this is where it's hard not to rely in my own understanding.

I thank God today because more and more do I understand how His mercies are new each day. And that He cares so much for little ole me to do it again and again and again.

I love you family and friends. What a great adventure we are on as Christians.

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